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North Dakota TSA Creed

"I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world.  I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning works, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry."
"Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live."
"I will accept the responsibilities that are mine.  I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence.  I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living."
"I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals."
"Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability."
"I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans."

Mission Statement
The mission of the North Dakota Technology Student Association is to prepare the membership for the challenges of a dynamic world by promoting technological literacy, leadership, service and problem solving resulting in personal growth and opportunities.
ND TSA Motto
"Learning to Live in a Technological World"
ND TSA Constitution & By-Laws
Code of Conduct & Dress Code
National TSA Website
North Dakota Technology Student Association History
North Dakota TSA started in 1997, chartered with National TSA and began with only 10 schools. TSA provides Students in Technology and Engineering Education in grades 6-12 with leadership and service opportunities as well as the chance to participate in competitive events.
Original 10 Chapters

A.L. Hagen Junior High School

Bismarck High School

Bismarck Century High School

Dickinson High School

Horizon Middle School

Minot Central Campus

Simle Middle School

Steele-Dawson High School

Wachter Middle School

West Fargo High School

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